Jeffrey Comer

At the 2010 Workshop on Leadership-class Machines
(217) 721-1774
261 LLP
Loomis Laboratory of Physics
1110 West Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801-3080
Received his B.S. from the University of Akron, Akron, OH in 2005 and his Ph.D. from the University of Illinois, Urbana, IL in 2010. His research interests include method development for modeling hybrid inorganic/biological systems, especially those systems where pertinent phenomena occur on a wide range of time and length scales.
- A Stabilized Finite Element Method for Modified Poisson-Nernst-Planck Equations to Determine Ion Flow Through a Nanopore." Commun Comput Phys 15:93-125 (2014). "
- DNA base-calling from a nanopore using a Viterbi algorithm." Biophys J 102:L37-9 (2012). "
- Predicting the DNA sequence dependence of nanopore ion current using atomic-resolution Brownian dynamics." J Phys Chem C Nanomater Interfaces 116:3376-3393 (2012). "
- Toward detection of DNA-bound proteins using solid-state nanopores: insights from computer simulations." Electrophoresis 33:3466-79 (2012). "
- Assessing graphene nanopores for sequencing DNA." Nano Letters 12:4117-4123 (2012). "
- Optimization of the molecular dynamics method for simulations of DNA and ion transport through biological nanopores." Methods Mol Biol 870:165-86 (2012). "
- Atoms-to-microns model for small solute transport through sticky nanochannels." Lab Chip 11:3766-73 (2011). "
- Microscopic Perspective on the Adsorption Isotherm of a Heterogeneous Surface." J Phys Chem Lett 2:1804-1807 (2011). "
- Modeling Pressure-Driven Transport of Proteins through a Nanochannel." IEEE Trans Nanotechnol 10:75-82 (2011). "
- Lipid bilayer coated Al(2)O(3) nanopore sensors: towards a hybrid biological solid-state nanopore." Biomed Microdevices 13:671-82 (2011). "
- Modeling nanopores for sequencing DNA." In DNA Nanotechnology: Methods and Protocols, edited by Giampaolo Zuccheri and Bruno Samori, 317-358. Vol. 749. Methods Mol. Biol. 749., 2011. "
- Slowing the translocation of double-stranded DNA using a nanopore smaller than the double helix." Nanotechnology 21:395501 (2010). "
- Nanopore Sequencing: Electrical Measurements of the Code of Life." IEEE Trans Nanotechnol 9:281-294 (2010). "
- Modeling Transport Through Synthetic Nanopores." IEEE Nanotechnol Mag 3:20-28 (2009). "
- Analyzing the forces binding a restriction endonuclease to DNA using a synthetic nanopore." Nucleic Acids Res 37:4170-9 (2009). "
- Microscopic mechanics of hairpin DNA translocation through synthetic nanopores." Biophys J 96:593-608 (2009). "
- Stretching and unzipping nucleic acid hairpins using a synthetic nanopore." Nucleic Acids Res 36:1532-41 (2008). "
- Detection of DNA sequences using an alternating electric field in a nanopore capacitor." Nano Lett 8:56-63 (2008). "
- Computer modeling in biotechnology: a partner in development." Methods Mol Biol 474:181-234 (2008). "