Maxim Belkin

Loomis Laboratory of Physics
1110 West Green Street
Urbana, IL 61801-3080
I received my B.S. in Physics from the Nizhny Novgorod State University, Russia in 2005 and Ph.D. in Physics from the Illinois Institute of Technology, Chicago, IL in 2009. My thesis research was focused on far-from-equilibrium emergent behavior in ensembles of magnetic microparticles suspended at liquid-air interfaces. Together with Igor Aronson, Alexey Snezhko, and Andreas Glatz, I studied the phenomenon experimentally and theoretically. Computer simulations based on developed theoretical models successfully described self-organization and self-propulsion of observed surface structures (magnetic "snakes"). These simulations were among the first scientific modeling exercises carried out on CUDA-enabled GPUs that allowed us to achieve a 100-fold speedup compared to parallel C++ code on the fastest CPU available at the moment. At the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, I work together with Aleksei Aksimentiev on molecular systems that incorporate novel inorganic materials and nanostructures such as graphene membranes and plasmonic nanopores. I make use of all-atom molecular dynamics (MD), atomic-resolution Brownian dynamics (ARBD), and continuum modeling (COMSOL) to understand how man-made nanoscale molecular devices function. Google Scholar Profile
Molecular Dynamics Simulation of DNA Capture and Transport in Heated Nanopores." ACS Applied Materials and Interfaces 8:12599-12608 (2016).
supporting.pdf (461.04 KB) "
Plasmonic Nanopores for Trapping, Controlling Displacement, and Sequencing of DNA." ACS Nano 9:10598-10611 (2015).
nn5b04173_si_001.pdf (681.52 KB) "
- Modeling thermophoretic effects in solid-state nanopores." Journal of Computational Electronics 13:826-838 (2014). "
Stretching and controlled motion of single-stranded DNA in locally heated solid-state nanopores." ACS Nano 7:6816-24 (2013).
Supporting Information (2.8 MB) "
- Assessing graphene nanopores for sequencing DNA." Nano Letters 12:4117-4123 (2012). "