Dynamic Interactions between Lipid-Tethered DNA and Phospholipid Membranes
All-atom molecular dynamics simulation of dsDNA molecules cholesterol-anchored to a POPE lipid bilayer membrane. The movie illustrates side view (left) and top view (right) of the system in a 300 ns equilibration trajectory. The DNA backbone (green) and bases (red) are shown using a cartoon representation. Each cholesterol molecule (red vdW spheres) is attached to the DNA backbone via a triethylene glycol linker (blue lines). Lipid molecules are shown as gray lines with the phosphorous atom of each headgroup highlighted as a vdW sphere. The lines define the simulation unit cell. For clarity, water, ions and DNA from the neighboring periodic cells are not shown.
All-atom molecular dynamics simulation of dsDNA molecules cholesterol-anchored to a lipid membrane composed of a 50/50 mixture of POPE and POPG lipids. The movie illustrates side view (left) and top view (right) of the system in a 300 ns equilibration trajectory. The DNA backbone (green) and bases (red) are shown using a cartoon representation. Each cholesterol molecule (red vdW spheres) is attached to the DNA backbone via a triethylene glycol linker (blue lines). Lipid molecules are shown as gray lines with the phosphorous atom of each PE and PG headgroup highlighted as a gray or orange vdW sphere, respectively. For clarity, water, ions and DNA from the neighbouring periodic cells are not shown.
All-atom molecular dynamics simulation of dsDNA molecules cholesterol-anchored to a lipid membrane composed of a 50/50 mixture of POPE and POPC lipids. The movie illustrates side view (left) and top view (right) of the system in a 300 ns equilibration trajectory. The DNA backbone (green) and bases (red) are shown using a cartoon representation. Each cholesterol molecule (red vdW spheres) is attached to the DNA backbone via a triethylene glycol linker (blue lines). Lipid molecules are shown as gray lines with the phosphorous atom of each PE and PC headgroup highlighted as a gray or green vdW sphere, respectively. For clarity, water, ions and DNA from the neighboring periodic cells are not shown.
All-atom molecular dynamics simulation of ssDNA molecules cholesterol-anchored to a POPE lipid bilayer membrane. The movie illustrates side view (left) and top view (right) of the system in a 300 ns equilibration trajectory. The DNA backbone (green) and bases (red) are shown using a cartoon representation. Each cholesterol molecule (red vdW spheres) is attached to the DNA backbone via a triethylene glycol linker (blue lines). Lipid molecules are shown as gray lines with the phosphorous atom of each headgroup highlighted as a vdW sphere. For clarity, water, ions and DNA from the neighboring periodic cells are not shown.
All-atom molecular dynamics simulation of ssDNA molecules cholesterol-anchored to a lipid membrane composed of a 50/50 mixture of POPE and POPG lipids. The movie illustrates side view (left) and top view (right) of the system in a 300 ns equilibration trajectory. The DNA backbone (green) and bases (red) are shown using a cartoon representation. Each cholesterol molecule (red vdW spheres) is attached to the DNA backbone via a triethylene glycol linker (blue lines). Lipid molecules are shown as gray lines with the phosphorous atom of each PE and PG headgroup highlighted as a gray or orange vdW sphere, respectively. For clarity, water, ions and DNA from the neighboring periodic cells are not shown.
All-atom molecular dynamics simulation of ssDNA molecules cholesterol-anchored to a lipid membrane composed of a 50/50 mixture of POPE and POPC lipids. The movie illustrates side view (left) and top view (right) of the system in a 300 ns equilibration trajectory. The DNA backbone (green) and bases (red) are shown using a cartoon representation. Each cholesterol molecule (red vdW spheres) is attached to the DNA backbone via a triethylene glycol linker (blue lines). Lipid molecules are shown as gray lines with the phosphorous atom of each PE and PC headgroup highlighted as a gray or green vdW sphere, respectively. For clarity, water, ions and DNA from the neighboring periodic cells are not shown.