Rosette Nanotube Porins as Ion Selective Transporters and Single-Molecule Sensors
A side view of the 200 ns long MD simulation trajectory of the simulated system containing 0.6 M NaCl, showing the transmembrane transport of Na+ ions (yellow spheres) ions and Cl- ions (cyan spheres) through the RNT porin (shown in the light-red transparent surface). The lipid molecules are shown using thin lines. Water is not shown for the sake of clarity.
Top view of the 200 ns long MD simulation trajectory of the simulated system containing 0.6 M NaCl, showing the transmembrane transport of Na+ ions (yellow spheres) and Cl- ions (cyan spheres) through the RNT porin (shown in the light-red transparent surface). The lipid molecules are shown using thin lines. Water is not shown for the sake of clarity. Only Na+ ions permeate through the central cavity whereas the Cl- ions prefer to bind to the outer region of the RNT porin i.e. in between the bases and porphyrins.
A side view of the 100 ns all-atom MD simulation trajectory of the system containing 0.6 M KCl, showing the transmembrane transport of K+ ions (tan spheres) and Cl- ions (cyan spheres) through the RNT porin (shown in the light-red transparent surface). The lipid molecules are shown using thin lines. Water is not shown for the sake of clarity.
Top view of the 100 ns long all-atom MD simulation trajectory of the system containing 0.6 M KCl, showing the transmembrane transport of K+ ions (tan spheres) and Cl- ions (cyan spheres) through the RNT porin (shown in the light-red transparent surface). The lipid molecules are shown using thin lines. Water is not shown for the sake of clarity. Only K+ ions permeate through the central cavity, Cl- ions prefer to bind/permeate the outer region of the RNT porin i.e. in between the bases and porphyrins.