Controlling aggregation of cholesterol-modified DNA nanostructures
Movie S1. All-atom MD simulation of cholesterol-modified ssDNA. The movie illustrates the 0.5 µs MD trajectory of a 30 thymidine (30T) ssDNA strand. Two independent simulation runs starting from the same initial configuration are shown (Run 1 and Run 2). The ssDNA wraps around the cholesterol group throughout both simulation runs. Water and ions are not shown for clarity.
Movie S2. All-atom MD simulation of a cholesterol-modified DNA duplex without overhang. The movie illustrates the 0.5 µs MD trajectory of a DNA duplex with one cholesterol tag but without an adjacent ssDNA overhang. Two independent simulation runs starting from the same initial configuration are shown (Run 1 and Run 2). Water and ions are not shown for clarity.
Movie S3. All-atom MD simulation of a cholesterol-modified DNA duplex with a 6 nt overhang. The movie illustrates the 0.5 µs MD trajectory of a DNA duplex with one cholesterol tag and an adjacent 6 nt overhang. Two independent simulation runs starting from the same initial configuration are shown (Run 1 and Run 2). Water and ions are not shown for clarity.